Jesuit Volunteer Stories

Jesuit Volunteers live and perform vital service around the world. Here are just a few stories of the over 200 Jesuit Volunteers who live out our mission and our four values each day.

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Note from homie at Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles to a current Jesuit Volunteer (2019).

domestic service, volunteer stories

Expressing Gratitude for the Present Moment

Jesuit Volunteers onstage at the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice in Arlington, VA. (2019)

domestic service, social justice, volunteer stories

Applying Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice Lessons to JVC

volunteer stories, domestic service, legal services

Pursuing Relief through Retrials at the US Supreme Court

Colin Crawford (Albuquerque 2019-20)

volunteer stories, housing insecurity, domestic service

Serving People Experiencing Homelessness at Sunrise in New Mexico

Caitlin Matthews (Los Angeles 2019-20)

volunteer stories, domestic service, employment

Year of Service Program Daring Volunteers to Transformational Inner Growth

Izzy Shahmirza (Kansas City 2019-20)

volunteer stories, domestic service, immigration and refugee services

Fighting for Justice at Migrant Farmworkers Assistance Fund

Lisa Reiter supporting Jesuit Volunteer Cassidy Jensen. (2018)

volunteer stories, community, domestic service

Intentional Community Living Complete With Cake and Tears of Gratitude

Erika Peters (Houston 2018-19)

domestic service, housing insecurity, volunteer stories

Volunteer Says JVC Stood Out Among Service Programs

Jack Stedman (Albuquerque 2018-19) headshot

domestic service, education, volunteer stories

Jesuit Volunteer Serves Breakfast to Students, Improving Educational Outcomes in Albuquerque

Michael O'Connell handling towel donation at the Harry Tompson Center. (NOLA 2019)

domestic service, volunteer stories, housing insecurity

Being Present for Your Community: A Counter-Cultural Approach to Living Life