Br. Andre accompanied me throughout my college formation. His portrait hung throughout campus at Holy Cross College, a summer service-learning experience in Arizona bore his name, and his statue welcomed me on an international immersion experience in southern India. I recognized him in the zeal of my professors and in the generosity of my friends. Almost everything about my Jesuit Volunteer experience has been new, including my placement, but after years of getting to know Br. Andre I’ve learned to approach my work as I imagine he would. I learn the names of our guests. I encourage them when they find opportunities, and I am present to them when they suffer. I can laugh with them. By carrying in my heart a kind of hospitality-centered Magis, as St. Andre did, I have entered HopeWorks with a sense of direction I rarely have when beginning a new phase of my life.
Holy Cross Brothers describe themselves as “men with Hope to bring” and St. Andre Bassett faithfully lived that mission. Benedict XVI said of St. Andre that he imagined “everything through the mystery of Jesus”, and with this imagination I’ve learned to understand my placement: I will likely greet each guest at the door of the shelter tomorrow morning, but I will do so knowing that hospitality creates hope, and that hope is our salvation.