A Master’s of Public Administration is an organic transition for those who have completed a year of service, because the degree equips students with practical skills to create meaningful change. A Fels MPA prepares students with the knowledge to understand the context of the political landscape, the tools to analyze programs and data, and the leadership experience to put insight into practice to effect change.
The partnership between JVC and Fels is a natural fit, as many former JVs have earned their MPA through the school. Joe Hejlek, New Orleans 09, is a current full time student at Fels and interned with the School District of Philadelphia over the summer. Of his experience Joe shared, “Through JVC, I formed genuine relationships with people on the margins. At Fels, I'm gaining the tools to make structural changes that will make those individuals' lives better. Having been a JV means having an understanding that ‘issues’ aren't just numbers and words on a page—they involve real people with unique, complex, messy lives.”
For more information on Fels programs and how to apply, visit their admissions pages or call 215-746-3700 to speak to Director of Admissions and Graduate Studies Dr. Joshua Power.