During other times, the connection to family and home can be a valuable contribution, that allows them to stay grounded in their experience. Please remember to not be afraid of their travels and adventures. For these moments will take them beyond the boundaries of their JV assignment. Or as John O’Donohue said, “When you travel , a new silence goes with you, and if you listen you will hear what your heart would love to say”
Most of all–don’t be afraid of their discomfort. Afterall, finding yourself and the direction you’d like to go is not a straight path. In reality, it is a journey that isn’t meant to be comfortable. There will be days when you feel the pain and angst they experience. Their emotions from the unique and difficult situations they will encounter may even worry you. But by your next correspondence, you will likely be relieved to know that they discerned a pathway to a resolution to a situation that was once difficult. They can, and will overcome these difficulties. And you will witness a transformation in them.