community closure, houston, tx

Honoring JVC's History in Houston, TX

From 1979-2023360 Jesuit Volunteers served with JVC in the city of Houston.

Entering the 2023-24 Program Year, JVC is pausing our presence in Houston, but we are hopeful to return when our JV numbers increase.

Out of gratitude for the service of our Houston FJVs and the wider JVC community that has supported them, we have set aside this space for reflections, photos, and tributes in celebration of Casa Rutilio Grande.

If you have a story or photo from your time in the Houston community, please email to add it to this page!

The 2008-09 Houston, TX Community
The 2008-09 Houston, TX Community
The 2008-09 Houston, TX Community
The 2008-09 Houston, TX Community

Words can't express how grateful I am for my time serving in Houston. It was an incredibly formative year that helped me grow spiritually, planted the seeds for my future career path, and forged a lifelong bond with 6 amazing community members. 

- Stephanie Lubert (Houston, TX 2008-09)


The 2016-17 Houston, TX Community
The 2016-17 Houston, TX Community
The 2016-17 Houston, TX Community
The 2016-17 Houston, TX Community

I was part of the 2016-17 Houston community. JVC was the best year of my life and the closure of Casa Rutilio Grande is really sad!

- Anna Harty (Houston, TX 2016-17)

Houston: Casa Rutilio Grande

We are so grateful for the individuals who have shared their memories of the Houston community with us. If you would like to share a photo or reflection from your time with JVC in Houston, please email us at